Pilates your way to a healthy heart - National Heart Month Awareness

National Heart Month According to the British Heart Foundation (2021) there are currently 7.6 million people across the UK living with heart and circulatory diseases – with 25% of UK deaths resulting from heart and related diseases each year. Almost as many women as men are affected by these conditions. During National Heart Month (February) Mbodies Pilates Training Academy have been raising awareness of the benefits of Pilates on our hearts and overall wellbeing. When people think of Pilates; core strength, flexibility and mobility are words that spring to mind – but Pilates is so much more! Here are five ways that regular Pilates workouts can help your heart: Regular Pilates practice will improve your body alignment and posture. This means that our internal organs will sit more happily in our bodies, and work more efficiently – including our hearts, lungs and circulatory systems. Regular Pilates practice will improve your body alignment and posture Lateral Breathing in Pilat...