Addressing Pelvic Health Dysfunction: Awareness and Practical Education

Awareness and Practical Education Whilst in 2003 RCOG Calls for Action to Empower Women, Mbodies does its bit to educate Pilates Instructors and Physios to work effectively to provide targeted exercise for these conditions. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) has sounded an urgent call for action to combat the widespread issue of pelvic floor dysfunction in the UK, affecting millions of women. Disturbing new data shows that over 60% of UK women experience symptoms of poor pelvic floor health, yet many are unaware of the importance of pelvic floor exercises and lack access to crucial information. A survey involving 2,000 women highlighted a concerning lack of awareness and education. Shockingly, a significant portion of women (55%) have either never attempted or currently do not engage in pelvic floor exercises, which can alleviate and prevent symptoms. Additionally, 15% of respondents couldn't recognise common symptoms linked to a weakened pel...