Mbodies aligns its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Pilates Teacher Training with the latest UK insurance company requirements
The UK Fitness Industry as a whole accepts you as a qualified Pilates Instructor by virtue of passing your First Pilates certification course – any additional Pilates instructor training need only be CPD! To the benefit of Pilates Teachers themselves, insurance companies have re-focussed to align with the training needs of the individual Pilates Instructor, rather than the somewhat commercially influenced rules of Pilates Instructor Training Companies. In the past, the Insurance Industry in the UK had considered Pilates as a more niche discipline, and they were prepared to adopt the certification requirements stated by Individual Pilates training companies. Previously, in order to remain a certified instructor, a Pilates certification training company stipulated CPD from their own Pilates Instructor courses and also dictated the hours required each year. Without prior experience the Insurance companies accepted and adopted this as the UK rules for Pilates Certification. This practi...