The Crucial Role of Specialised Training in Pilates for Low Bone Density Management

For Pilates Instructors, Medical Movement Professionals and Advanced Fitness professionals the pursuit of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in specialised populations is not just a testament to an instructor's commitment to their craft, but also a reflection of their dedication to the well-being and safety of their clients. At Mbodies Training Academy, we often receive inquiries from instructors eager to broaden their professional knowledge and expertise, particularly in the realm of special populations. A recurring question that arises is: "Which of your courses would you recommend I take first?" This question, albeit simple, underscores a significant gap in the traditional Pilates training narrative. The majority of these instructors come with a solid foundation in Pilates Matwork qualifications but may not have taken Pilates apparatus training. Regardless of their background, our advice remains consistent, emphasising the im...