The Importance of Specialised Pilates CPD Courses for Menopausal Health: Responding to Criticism with Facts


The launch by Mbodies Training Academy of specialised courses such as "Pilates for Midlife Health and the Menopause" has sparked discussions in the fitness and Pilates communities. Some critics view it as unnecessary specialisation in an already well-established field.  This blog post aims to address criticisms that such courses are merely pandering to "wokeness," by demonstrating the tangible benefits these targeted programs offer to clients undergoing menopausal transitions.  In this article we will explore how hormonal and psychological changes during perimenopause and menopause can significantly influence exercise efficacy, and why tailored Pilates programs are essential if an instructor is to maximise exercise and mental health value to their clients.

Understanding Menopause and Exercise

Menopause marks a significant change in a woman's life, accompanied by various hormonal adjustments that affect the body physically and mentally. These changes include fluctuations in oestrogen and progesterone levels, which can impact bone density, muscle mass, joint health, weight gain or loss, and overall energy levels.  Psychologically, menopause can lead to mood swings, anxiety, and depression, influencing a woman's motivation and ability to engage in regular exercise.

The Science Behind Tailored Exercise

The criticism often levelled at specialised fitness courses for menopausal women is that they segregate rather than integrate.  However, this perspective fails to appreciate how menopause-specific issues can affect physical activity.  For example, high-impact exercises that are generally beneficial can exacerbate joint pain and influence bone health during menopause at a neurological or physiological level and at the same time influence hormone balances and interactions.  A tailored Pilates program can address these nuances by focusing on low-impact, strength-building exercises that enhance core strength, flexibility, and overall stability without putting undue stress on vulnerable joints.

Pilates and Hormonal Considerations

Pilates, particularly when adapted for menopausal clients, can be an excellent exercise choice because it incorporates strength, flexibility, and mental focus.  The controlled, flowing movements in Pilates can help manage and mitigate the physical changes brought about by hormonal fluctuations, such as increased abdominal fat and reduced muscle mass.  Moreover, the emphasis on breathing and mindfulness within Pilates can significantly benefit psychological well-being, helping to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety commonly experienced during this period.

Hormonal Balance and Stress Management

During stressful situations, the body’s adrenal glands release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.  Adrenaline increases energy levels, while cortisol helps in managing several body functions critical during stress.   However, prolonged exposure to cortisol can disrupt nearly all bodily processes, leading to several health issues such as anxiety, depression, and heart disease.

For menopausal women, managing stress is paramount as their bodies are already undergoing significant hormonal upheaval. Chronic stress can exacerbate menopausal symptoms and disrupt hormonal balance further. Therefore, a Pilates program tailored for menopausal women can help manage stress effectively by incorporating exercises that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, the body's rest and digestive systems, which helps in lowering cortisol levels.

CPD Courses: Bridging Knowledge Gaps

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses in Pilates for menopausal health are not merely a nod to contemporary social movements, but a necessary evolution in fitness education.  These courses equip instructors with the knowledge and tools to design exercise programs that are not only safe, but also highly effective for this demographic.  Understanding the biomechanical and hormonal shifts that occur during menopause allows fitness professionals to tailor their coaching strategies accordingly, ensuring that they can meet the specific needs of their clients.


The development of CPD courses like Mbodies Training Academy’s: "Pilates for Midlife Health and the Menopause" is a response to a real and pressing need. Far from pandering, these programs reflect a deepening understanding of how different life stages affect physical health and exercise requirements.  For Pilates instructors, acquiring this specialised knowledge is not just about expanding their skill set - it's about providing the best possible support to their clients, enhancing both physical and mental health outcomes during a pivotal phase of life.

Through targeted online training, which can be taken in your own time and at your own pace anywhere in the world, Pilates instructors can become adept at supporting menopausal women, thereby playing a crucial role in managing and mitigating the impacts of this significant life transition. This approach does not dilute the value of exercise; rather, it enhances it, ensuring all clients receive the thoughtful, informed, and most effective guidance they deserve.

More reading:  The business case for Pilates instructors specialising in perimenopause and menopause

Author:  Chris Onslow - Pilates Consultant

Chris Onslow, has run Pilates focussed businesses since 1998.  He and his team specialise in supporting Pilates entrepreneurs and business owners.  With a rich history of owning and running successful Pilates studios in the UK, and supporting others in Europe and the Middle East, Chris has broad expertise in maximising profitability and optimising operational efficiency.  His agency provides top-tier advice on selecting new, pre-owned, and hireable Pilates equipment from renowned brands such as Align-Pilates, Balanced Body or Stott-Pilates/Merrithew.  As the founder of Mbodies Training Academy, Chris continues to revolutionise Pilates education, offering premier online and hybrid CPD and qualification courses for Pilates apparatus instruction and special population CPD.  Discover more about how Chris can support your Pilates Business or home exercise choices at 


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